Tandym Group's 2023 Summer Internship Program

June 12th - August 4th

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Tandym's 2023 Summer Internship Program

June 12th - August 4th

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Tandym Group's 2023 Summer Internship Program

June 12th - August 4th

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Tandym Group's 2023 Summer Internship Program

June 12th - August 4th

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Program Highlights

  • Learn what it's like to work in sales + recruiting
  • Gain networking opportunities
  • Participate in weekly lunch & learns + leadership panels
  • Attend social outings + team building events
  • Explore opportunities for full-time work

Program Highlights

  • Learn what it's like to work in sales + recruiting
  • Gain networking opportunities
  • Participate in weekly lunch & learns + leadership panels
  • Attend social outings + team building events
  • Explore opportunities for full-time work

Program Highlights

  • Learn what it's like to work in sales + recruiting
  • Gain networking opportunities
  • Participate in weekly lunch & learns + leadership panels
  • Attend social outings + team building events
  • Explore opportunities for full-time work

Hear From Our Past Interns

"My summer internship at Tandym group was an amazing experience. In just 6 weeks, I learned so many recruiting tactics that I carry with me to this day as a full-time employee. The company culture and values are evident in each employee, and it is truly a pleasure to work here!"
- Lauren Podest, Healthcare Intern 2022
"I am extremely grateful I was able to start at a company like Tandym right after graduation. They excellently weave professionalism into their fun company culture!"
- Billy Buteau, Financial Services Intern 2022
"The comradery between people at Tandym is something special. Every day is different and every person I met wanted to help me in whatever way possible. Tandym has a special place in my heart, and I feel truly blessed to have been able to join the team full-time after an unbelievable internship experience."
- Gavin Buda, Financial Services Intern 2022
"Tandym provided a space for me to discover and develop what I wanted from my professional career"
- Catherine Bennett, Corporate HR Intern 2022