Your dedicated page has moved!

While we work to create a better experience for our partners, please take a look at some of our key resources about our services below. If you're looking for more, please reach out to your contact at Tandym.

Hiring? Contact UsOpens in a new window.

We've moved!

Tandym's resource center is undergoing some much-needed improvements! While we work to create a better experience for our partners, please take a look at some of our key resources about our services below. If you're looking for more, please reach out to your contact at Tandym.

Hiring? Contact UsOpens in a new window.

We've moved!

Tandym's resource center is undergoing some much-needed improvements! While we work to create a better experience for our partners, please take a look at some of our key resources about our services below. If you're looking for more, please reach out to your contact at Tandym.

Hiring? Contact UsOpens in a new window.

Our resources

Tandym Group Overview
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Our Staffing Process
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Our DE&I Initiatives
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Tandym Group Overview
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Our Staffing Process
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Our DE&I Initiatives
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Tandym Group Overview
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Our Staffing Process
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Our DE&I Initiatives
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Tandym Group Overview
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Our Staffing Process
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Our DE&I Initiatives
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Tandym Group has been a great partner to our firm for quite some time, on both the direct hire and contract placement business. Our main contact has been the best partner we could ask for and always prioritizes our needs while also educating us on our asks. Always reliable and always successful!

Senior HR Associate, Asset Management Company

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More about our expertise

Learn about how our recruitment experts approach hiring in Professional Services, Life Sciences, Technology, and Healthcare.
Tandym Pro

This overview highlights our expertise in Accounting/Finance, Financial Services, Human Resources, Legal, and Marketing

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Tandym Life Sciences

This overview highlights our expertise in Scientific, Clinical R&D, Medical Affairs, Market Access, and Quality Assurance

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Tandym Tech

This overview highlights our expertise in Development, QA, Cloud & Network Infrastructure, Data Center, Cybersecurity, & more

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Tandym Health

This overview highlights our expertise in Nursing, Therapy, Physicians & Advanced Practice Providers, Social Services, Allied Health, and Operations

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Check out our 2023 Total Talent Guide

Smarter strategies and salaries for a new era of work
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