Hiring mistakes you can't afford to ignore

How to win over talent in today's competitive market

Hiring mistakes you can't afford to ignore

How to win over talent in today's competitive market

Hiring mistakes you can't afford to ignore

How to win over talent in today's competitive market

There’s no doubt that the job market today is booming—it seems that nearly everyone who wants a job can find one. But what does that mean for employers?


As the job market continues to thrive, employers are struggling to find the talent they need to run their businesses successfully. While they are facing critical skills shortages, they are also dealing with unprecedented levels of voluntary turnover. When the stakes feel this high, hiring new talent can be complicated and exhaustingand it can be easy to make simple mistakes that will cost you in the long-term.

Beyond being challenging, the struggle to hire talent is affecting business performance:

nearly half of job seekers reported declining a job offer because of a bad experience during the hiring process
of HR professionals agree that candidate experience is directly tied to the organization’s success
nearly half of job seekers reported declining a job offer because of a bad experience during the hiring process
of HR professionals agree that candidate experience is directly tied to the organization’s success
nearly half of job seekers reported declining a job offer because of a bad experience during the hiring process


of HR professionals agree that candidate experience is directly tied to the organization’s success


92% of leaders will
fail to meet their goals
without the right talent in place


As hiring gets harder, many employers are turning to alternative solutions like focusing on employee retention, looking toward other talent pools, or making improvements to their company culture. While all of these efforts are critical to an engaging employee experience, many employers forget about their actual hiring process and how that is affecting every candidate who walks through the door.
nearly half of job seekers reported declining a job offer because of a bad experience during the hiring process
of HR professionals agree that candidate experience is directly tied to the organization’s success

Because first impressions often become lasting ones, employers must focus on retention even before they extend an offer, remembering that securing the very best candidate in the talent pool starts at the beginning of the hiring process. However, many employers are making critical errors in this competitive market—and losing out on top talent as a result.

Read on to learn the critical mistakes many employers are inadvertently making during the hiring process and how you can improve your hiring strategy to attract top talent: